Catholic 101: How are we saved?

Catholic 101: How are we saved?

“Have you been saved?” Picture yourself seated next to someone on a flight. Before you can get your headphones in, they lean towards you and ask the question. “Have you been saved?” If you’re like me in this scenario, you give a quick “oh, yes, thank you,” and then...
Walking with Christ through Film

Walking with Christ through Film

In the Spiritual Exercises, St. Ignatius invites us to imagine scenes from the gospel in our prayer. In this “composition of place,” we try to see the furnishings in a room, inhale the smells wafting in a market, hear the sound of the waves crashing on the sea...
Review: “Marriage Story”

Review: “Marriage Story”

“Criminal lawyers see bad people at their best. Divorce lawyers see good people at their worst.”  Alongside this memorable pronouncement from “Marriage Story,” I want to append St. Ignatius of Loyola’s observation that desolation, more than just a feeling, is a...