Michael Martinez’s new Hip-Hop video for “Love is Above” features students from the Fe y Alegría school network to help show that the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience are meant to help us grow in our capacity to love.

All posts by Mike Martinez, SJ
Michael Anthony Martínez, S.J. seeks to become FULLY ALIVE as a future Jesuit priest, rapper, filmmaker, poet and philosopher. A Cuban-American born and raised in Miami, Florida, he joined the Society of Jesus in the Antilles Province (Cuba, Dominican Republic and Miami) in 2013; called to a life of radical discipleship. After completing graduate studies at Loyola University Chicago in Social Philosophy and Digital Storytelling, he served as a theology teacher & campus minister at his high school alma mater, Belen Jesuit. He currently studies theology in the Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofía e Teología in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Follow his journey at www.mikemartinezsj.com.
Joined in 2017 mmartinezsj@thejesuitpost.org
14 postsPoem: Sacred Heart of Jesus, Help Me Live (Not Just Read) the Scriptures
Why is it so much easier to read the Scriptures rather than live them? Michael Martínez SJ’s poem asks for the fire of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to inflame our own hearts into prophetic action.
What’s the Point? Let’s ‘Examen’ the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
We have often heard about Jesus in books, art and sermons, but how well do we actually know him? Maybe that’s the whole point of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a devotion celebrated during the entire month of June. Here’s an Examen with the Sacred Heart of Christ.
Poem on Temptation and Victory: Nailed and Unnailed Hands
Feeling overwhelmed by your temptations? Michael Martinez SJ shares a personal poem and reflection that can help us process this internal tension between temptation and victory in our daily lives.
The Year of St. Joseph: Five Essential Lessons for Humanity
During the Year of Saint Joseph, what does this silent saint have to teach our hurting and divided world? Michael Martinez SJ reflects on five of his important lessons for us today.
Ignatian Hip-Hop: “Radical Prayer”
Have you ever prayed with rap music? Michael Martinez, SJ released a new album, “Worship Real”. The album’s fourth track, “Radical Prayer,” explores the question of how a deeper prayer life can lead us to live our Christian calling more radically.
Discerning the Culture: Movies and TV Shows (Part I)
In a time where screens, digital streaming services and social media consumption seem to be the “daily bread”, is there a way to ensure we are discovering God in all of it? This new series gives some practical tips to discern God’s voice in the culture. This edition is part one of how to discern God’s voice in movies and TV shows.
Our Good Friday ‘Wake Up Call’
On this Good Friday, Jesuit rapper, Michael Martinez S.J. produced a music video in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
My Three Jesuit Vows: Living with Radically ‘Open Hands’
Why would anyone ever choose to become poor, chaste and obedient? Michael Martínez, S.J. reflects on the day of his profession of vows and the power of living with Jesus’ ‘open hands.’