
All posts by Dan Finucane, SJ

Originally from St. Louis, MO, Dan entered the Society of Jesus in 2017. After completing two years of studies at Loyola University Chicago, he was missioned to Belize where he currently serves as a prison chaplain and an ESL instructor. Prior to joining the Society, Dan was a theology teacher and campus minister, as well as a missionary for a year in Zambia.

Joined in 2019   /   19 posts   /   dfinucanesj@thejesuitpost.org

Discovering the Power of Healing Touch in Prison

Discovering the Power of Healing Touch in Prison

The pandemic deprived everyone of a vital aspect of life: the gift of touch. The incarnation shows us that God wants to heal us by touching our wounds. This is especially true for life in a prison. But when we find ways to reach out to others, we discover that Christ has the power to work through our hands to bring healing to those in need.