As the right-wing narco regime of Juan Orlando Hernandez gives way to the presidency of recently elected leftist
Xiomara Castro in Honduras, Jesuit, Fr. Melo says that the people of God rejoice but must always remain the critical consciousness of political power.

All posts by David Inczauskis, SJ
Born in Hinsdale, IL, David Inczauskis, SJ, is visiting faculty in Classics and Modern Languages at Xavier University. He is the author of "La Fragua: el teatro jesuita de Centroamérica," a book published in 2019 by UCA Editores about Honduras' revolutionary Jesuit theater. He likes fruit smoothies, Latin American film, and cucumber water.
Joined in 2016
37 postsWhy Did They Shoot Ignacio Ellacuría, SJ?
Ellacuría openly and emphatically emphasized the subversive dimension of the Christian faith. He claimed that Latin America is searching for “revolutionary change rather than reformist change” and that Christianity exhibits a “subversive dynamism,” which, though running the risk of Marxist co-option, can propel revolution against “the demands of capital.”
What St. Alberto Hurtado Said about His 1946 Visit to America
The great Chilean Jesuit saint reminds us that we are called to be more than what we produce and consume.
Raphael Warnock’s Black Liberation Theology and the Faux Christianity of the Capitol Insurrection
How does Raphael Warnock’s black liberation theology offer a path forward from the insurrection at the Capitol?
2020 was the Year of Big Capital. With St. Joseph, Let’s Make 2021 the Year of The Worker.
Instead of concentration of ownership in the hands of a few capitalists, Catholic Social Teaching envisions workers having common possession with capitalists over the enterprises at which they work.
Ten Commandments for Catholic Twitter
Twitter is a world of its own, and that means that we need good guidelines in how to navigate this world. Here’s Ten Commandments for Catholic Twitter.
One-Minute Homily: “Christ the King, We the Prophets”
Ignatius tells us that we have to choose which king we will serve. To serve Christ the king is to be a prophet. David Inczauskis, SJ, reflects on this call in this week's One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, November 24.
Intro to the Spiritual Exercise: The Third and Fourth Week
The Third and Fourth Weeks of the Spiritual Exercises has us reflect on the great pain of the death of Jesus and the joy in his resurrection. The common thread is that both of these events express the great love of God. This week Br. Mark Mackey, SJ, takes us through...
Intro to the Spiritual Exercises: The Second Week
The Second Week of the Spiritual Exercises is all about getting to know Jesus. Br. Mark Mackey, SJ, guides us through how we get to know Jesus as a role model and a friend in this week's episode of the Intro to the Spiritual Exercises.