We hold the Holy Family in such high status that we might forget that they were fairly humble and poor. Austin Kleman, SJ, reflects on the Holy Family and what we can learn from their faith and trust in the Lord.
Why Christian Forgiveness Requires Every Christian to be a Priest
Christians are challenged to forgive daily, but could it also be a sacrament? In a follow-up to his previous article, Erin explores the relationship between forgiveness and the priestly identity of every baptized Christian.
Discerning Democracy: Navigating Civic Life with the Fourth Week of the Spiritual Exercises
Today’s heightened polarization has seemingly erected insurmountable walls in our political discourse. Concluding this miniseries, Ty Wahlbrink, SJ, suggests how we might find joy using insights in the Fourth Week meditations, even though we might still feel stuck mourning near Jesus’ tomb.
Saint Ignatius and the Recovery of True Masculinity
Reflecting on Saint Ignatius’s conversion, River invites us to our own rediscovery of a more authentic vision of masculinity.
A Deacon’s Diary: How Do I Pray Through Doubt?
In his latest diary, Deacon Steve Molvarec, SJ is confronted with the age-old question: how do I pray through doubt? His answer surprised him, and will probably surprise you, too.
The Jesuit Border Podcast
Louie Hotop, SJ, and Brian Strassburger, SJ, are two recently ordained Jesuit priests working on the US-Mexico border in Brownsville, TX. They’ve started the Jesuit Border Podcast to share stories and interviews that explore the humanitarian response along the U.S.-Mexico border from a Catholic perspective. Check it out and subscribe!
Why Did They Shoot Ignacio Ellacuría, SJ?
Ellacuría openly and emphatically emphasized the subversive dimension of the Christian faith. He claimed that Latin America is searching for “revolutionary change rather than reformist change” and that Christianity exhibits a “subversive dynamism,” which, though running the risk of Marxist co-option, can propel revolution against “the demands of capital.”
Space Billionaires, Climate Change, and Lessons from WALL-E
With the UN meeting on climate change in Glasgow and the increasing flights to space, Kevin Karam has been thinking a lot about the 2008 Pixar film, WALL-E, and what it has to tell us about what it means to be human and how our environment contributes to defining our humanity.
The Conversion Story of Ignatius is So Much More Than One Battle
As the Society of Jesus celebrates the 500th anniversary of the battle that started St. Ignatius of Loyola’s conversion, Patrick Hyland, SJ argues that we miss so much if we stop at the cannonball.
Among the Tombs with Addiction
Jesuit Brett Helbling learned an important lesson working at a homeless shelter soup kitchen: Don’t wait to tell someone they are important to you. They may disappear before you get the chance.