This episode will focus on four primary types of obstacles faced on our journey of faith: sin, false idols, attachments, and self-doubt. Reflecting on the obstacles that we face always has to be framed within the context of God’s infinite love and mercy. We are sinners, loved by God.
Posts in Videos
Introduction to the Journey of Faith | Seeking God: A Jesuit Retreat
Join us for our online preached retreat, based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Brian Strassburger, SJ, will guide us through themes of the exercises and offer resources for prayer and reflection. This is the first of six talks that will be...
Judas and the Price of Betrayal | One-Minute Homily
Judas had a price. Do we? There are things that we might put before our relationship with God, but Damian Torres-Botello, SJ, reminds us that there is always hope in Christ.
Raising Lazarus: Death and New Life | One-Minute Homily
Life is sweet. But Death stinks.
The Man Born Blind: An Encounter with Jesus | One-Minute Homily
How do we get to know Jesus? Well, talk to him! Eric Immel, SJ, talks about Jesus, the blind man, and what it means to encounter Jesus in this week’s One-Minute Homily.
The Samaritan Woman: More Than a Sign | One-Minute Homily
It seems that today’s readings are all about water, but Jeff Ryan Miraflor, SJ, wants to go deeper.
The Transfiguration: You are My Beloved | One-Minute Homily
The transfiguration of Jesus marks the second time that God called Jesus “my beloved son.” According to Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ, if God says something twice, we need to listen.
Don’t Tempt Me! Jesus in the Desert | One-Minute Homily
Just like Jesus in the desert, we are tempted on a regular basis. Damian Torres-Botello, SJ, reminds us that Jesus is both our model and our biggest support when trying to avoid temptation.
Ash Wednesday: Remember Your Death | One-Minute Homily
At the beginning of Lent, we focus on…our death?! Jeff Ryan Miraflor, SJ, and Eric Immel, SJ, reflect on death, Lent, and the greater meaning of life.
Turn the Other Cheek and Other Hard Lessons | One-Minute Homily
Turn the other cheek, give your cloak, love your enemies.