Joe Simmons, SJ / Jan 29, 2012 / Blogs ~ Approx. 3 mins
To date, I have had about eleven years of Jesuit education. High school, college, and graduate school. I drank the Jesuit ‘kool-aid’, and being a Jesuit has formed who I am and how I see the world. I expected that to continue now in my regency, teaching...
Brendan Busse, SJ / Jan 28, 2012 / Blogs ~ Approx. 2min
I laughed at the cross. In a moment of profound irreverence, in the midst of a 30-day silent retreat, I beheld the candle-lit crucifix hanging high on the wall of the chapel just behind the empty altar, and I laughed. I laughed out loud. Why, you wonder? Well, to...
Eric Sundrup, SJ / Jan 27, 2012 / Uncategorized ~ Approx. 2min
“We’ll sing number six hundred and fifty in your song books. Number six hundred and fifty.” As I reached for my nonexistent hymn book I realized that the tiny chapel in which I and my classmates were praying had, apparently, run out of hymnals. And then a strange...
Matt Spotts, SJ / Jan 26, 2012 / Blogs ~ Approx. 3 mins
I’m not sure exactly when it was that I fell head over heels in love with the game of soccer, but I know exactly who was responsible. From the early to the mid 2000’s, French soccer legend Thierry Henry glided across the pitch with an irrepressible combination of...
Brendan Busse, SJ / Jan 25, 2012 / Blogs ~ Approx. 2 mins
The choice of faith orients everything in our lives and whether you choose to believe in God or not is anything but a casual concern. The poet Mary Oliver boldly confronts us with the question in her popular poem, The Summer Day, when she writes, “Tell me, what is it...