“The life of the law has not been logic; it has been experience.” So wrote Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. in his magisterial treatment, The Common Law, nearly 140 years ago. More and more, it becomes apparent that so much of our legal system --...
Posts in Current Events
In Living Color: I Am Not Black
Damian Torres-Botello, SJ is not African-American, but he is a man of color, and this is what this moment in our history says to him.
What Can Words Do?
Paddy Gilger, SJ and Matt Spotts, SJ found themselves asking what good it does to write and think in the wake of the violence experienced over the last few days.
Worth Watching: Euro Cup (and European Union) 2016
Brexit is not the only EU saga worth paying attention to. Michael Rossmann, SJ describes why you should check out Euro Cup 2016.
John Oliver and the Year Of Mercy
What do a British comedian and an Argentine pope have in common? Jason Downer SJ helps us find out.
Beauty Breaks Through
After the recent murders committed in Orlando, Eric Immel, SJ wants to see some beauty in the world. He finds some, mercifully.
10 Reasons to Go to (or Follow) World Youth Day
It’s the biggest Catholic party of the summer. Michael Rossmann, SJ gives ten reasons you should go to World Youth Day (or at least follow it from home).
Prayer During Tragedy
Is it wrong to pray when tragedy strikes? Bill McCormick, SJ responds.
A Prayer for Orlando
In times of tragedies, when we have no better words, let our prayers sustain us and encourage us to respond as Christ does.
Education in America: What We Agree to Ignore
Dan Dixon, SJ argues that the new (and much lauded) Every Student Succeeds Act misses the point: that racial and socioeconomic segregation is the main cause of the achievement gap.