My father has only been angry at me once for my faith. This is the man who drove me every Sunday to Mass before I could drive, who taught me the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory Be. One Sunday, my RCIA teacher had grown tired of my questions. For those who...
Before Jesus started his ministry of proclaiming the Kingdom of God through his teaching and deeds, he spent 40 days in the desert praying and fasting. Hunter, D’Armond, SJ, reminds us that we, too, need time to pray and reflect in order to go out and live as...
I met Javier – aka Zoom-Zoom – at Otisville State Penitentiary, 80 miles north of New York City. I was there coordinating a retreat for Thrive For Life Prison Project. Javier spoke perfect Spanglish and stood five-foot-nothing, though I soon noticed his outsized...
Remember that you are dust…and deeply loved. Josef Rodriguez, SJ, reflects on what it means to “celebrate” Ash Wednesday. Remember that you are dust…Dust worth dying for! I’m Josef Rodriguez, and this is my One-Minute Reflection. Today we...
With roots that date back to the Republican Convention of 1912, through its formal establishment in 1926, Black History Month offers all Americans the opportunity to stand in solidarity with the Black community. The commemoration of Black culture and achievements was...
Not only is Jesus capable of healing, he wants to. Fr. Matt Stewart, SJ, reflects on Jesus’ desire to heal a leper and welcome him back into community. Based on the readings for Sunday, February 14, 2021. Sure, Jesus can heal. But more importantly, Jesus wants...
Every other year, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) hosts its SEEK conference that draws thousands of young Catholics together to encounter Christ and share the Gospel. For safety reasons, SEEK21 was streamed from Denver, CO in a hybrid format...
Rend my heart, O’ God, Rend my heart. These words came to me in prayer tonight, from somewhere, distant, distracted, after a long and dusty day, one of those days I’m just glad is over. Life on Zoom is exhausting. Rend my heart? What does that even mean? I am a Jesuit...
I’ve never had a heart-to-heart conversation where somebody didn’t express some sort of pain. To be sure, I’ve had plenty of deep conversations full of wonderful ideas, good humor, and plans to solve the world’s problems, but those aren’t necessarily...
Saint Josephine Bakhita suffered horrific abuse as a victim of human trafficking, yet she treasured her life and is remembered for her love. In 1877, as a young girl, Josephine was taken from her village in Sudan and forced to walk 600 miles to the market where she...