The Power of ‘Black Panther’

The Power of ‘Black Panther’

What do we do with power? Power is an inevitable theme of any superhero movie, but usually power is only realized in the hero herself/himself: Will Superman be strong enough? Will the Flash be fast enough? Will Captain America be true enough? Will Wonder Woman defeat...
Real Lenten Sacrifices

Real Lenten Sacrifices

Jesus doesn’t want you to go more to the gym this Lent… Maybe he’s asking for something more. Take a quick listen to Br. Matt Wooters SJ’s “One-Minute Reflection” on the readings for the First Sunday of Lent:...
A Glimpse into Our Humanity

A Glimpse into Our Humanity

Edward and Alphonse Elric tried to bring their mother back from the dead using alchemy.  It cost Edward his right arm and left leg and Alphonse his entire body.  The story of Fullmetal Alchemist follows their quest to regain their original bodies as they search for...
A Boy and a Sea Lion

A Boy and a Sea Lion

My friends and I found the sea lion exhibit down some stairs past a few enormous trees and between giant fake rock formations. It was a thick glass cross-section of a seashore, complete with jagged  outcroppings and deep diving waters. The air smelled like salt, and I...
The Devotion of an Olympian

The Devotion of an Olympian

For the next two weeks in Pyeongchang, South Korea, the world will celebrate an athletic tradition which began near Mount Olympus in mainland Greece in honor of Zeus in 776 BCE. Athleticism at its finest reveals the tremendous potential of the human person to exercise...
Look Far: Remembering Ursula K. Le Guin

Look Far: Remembering Ursula K. Le Guin

In such an oversaturated and overstimulated media environment, filled with abuse, neglect, anger, and fear, it would have been easy to overlook a short announcement on January 22 that the author Ursula K. Le Guin had died peacefully at the age of 88. That would have...
Music and Memory

Music and Memory

It’s a Saturday afternoon and I’m cleaning my bathroom. I’ve selected an exceptional playlist on my phone, encouraging my feet to dance. Then I hear it. Ben Folds. It’s “Zak and Sara.” And with it a Back to the Future Delorean-like transportation of sound and...