by Chris Nguyen, SJ | Jun 1, 2023 | The Jesuits ~ Approx. 6 mins
July 31, 2022, marked the end of the Ignatian Year, a time that Jesuits and our collaborators around the world celebrated 500 years after the conversion of St Ignatius of Loyola. Ignatius had sustained injuries from a cannonball defending the city of Pamplona. During...
by Pablo Velasquez, SJ | Apr 22, 2023 | Creation, Pop Culture ~ Approx. 4 mins
On October 13, 2021, 91-year-old Star Trek actor William Shatner traveled into space on a Blue Origin space shuttle. His experience was not at all what he expected. Instead of finding colorful lights from the stars, as seen in his series or in modified images from...
by Luke Lapean, SJ | Sep 1, 2022 | Justice, Religious Life, Spirituality ~ Approx. 5 mins
As a Jesuit I have to do a lot of traveling and this summer I have made every effort to plan my trips so that I could travel by bus. The bus is the most environmentally friendly option available to me and this summer is the hottest on record. Riding the bus is a very...
by Steve Molvarec, SJ | May 19, 2022 | A Deacon's Diary ~ Approx. 4 mins
This is the twelfth installment of A Deacon’s Diary. In the eleventh installment, Steve’s hopes for a purgative Lent flew by in a whirl of activities. I. Ordination to the priesthood is almost exactly a month away. It seems like yesterday that it was three or six...