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Posts in Uncategorized
Defying the Dead’s Last Request: Publishing John Paul II’s Private Writings
To burn or not to burn? Quang Tran asks a question about publishing of secret journals posthumously.
Derek Jeter Furniture
Dennis Baker says goodbye, goodluck, to a man who, for almost 20 years, has been a steady presence in unsteady lives.
La estrella de oriente… y serpientes de cascabel también
Mira el cielo estrellado y pelea con serpientes de cascabel. Comienza la semana de Navidad con el P. Paul Lickteig y haz conexiones con el pasado.
Valentine’s Day: Let’s Talk About Sex (and Love … and God)
For Valentine’s Day, let’s get some advice on the intersection of sex and spirituality … and why real romantic love involves divine love as well.
Top 5 Celibate and/or Single Valentine’s Day Songs
The perfect Valentine’s Day playlist, especially if you find yourself without a date.
#tbt – The British Are Coming!
Time to remember the British Invasion’s most important ambassadors on their Golden Anniversary.
As One Friend Speaks To Another
New year, new outlook: Our new Editor-in-Chief lays out his vision for TJP’s 3rd year.
Anhelar algo más: la redención de una misa del gallo mediocre
¿Te aburres en la iglesia? ¿La liturgia te parece decepcionante? A Keith Maczkievicz, SJ le pasa lo mismo. Se encuentra con que anhela algo más y descubre en ese anhelo un lugar para la gracia y la redención.
The Beauty of Breastfeeding
“Do you mind if I feed Jonathan?” my sister-in-law asked me as she threw an oversized blanket over her shoulder – but the question she was posing to me wasn’t really “if,” it was “where.”