Keith Maczkiewicz, SJ hates the monotony of his daily routine. But the regularity of these everyday events – even shaving – teaches him something.
Posts in Spirituality
Beauty Breaks Through
After the recent murders committed in Orlando, Eric Immel, SJ wants to see some beauty in the world. He finds some, mercifully.
10 Reasons to Go to (or Follow) World Youth Day
It’s the biggest Catholic party of the summer. Michael Rossmann, SJ gives ten reasons you should go to World Youth Day (or at least follow it from home).
Thanks, Dad
Our TJP contributors reflect on the lessons and love shown to them by their fathers.
Worth Reading: “Bent Body, Lamb”
How do we stop holding life – and God – at a distance? Paddy Gilger, SJ points to a hauntingly beautiful essay that shows the way.
Prayer During Tragedy
Is it wrong to pray when tragedy strikes? Bill McCormick, SJ responds.
The Voice in My Throat
What does your voice say about you? Damian Torres-Botello, SJ explores the history of his voice and what it says about him today.
Reality, “Lost Boys,” & Hope
Colten Biro, SJ, discusses his struggle with hope, reality, and Ruth B.’s song “Lost Boys.”
A Prayer for Orlando
In times of tragedies, when we have no better words, let our prayers sustain us and encourage us to respond as Christ does.
Discernment, Choice, and Captain America
Choosing between goods can be hard, let alone choosing between your favorite superheroes.