Sometimes God asks us to give up things we love. In his debut article, Michael Pedersen, SJ reflects on what it’s like to give up what he loved and then get it back transformed
Posts in Spirituality
When I Stopped Drinking, I Started Running. God Found Me.
As many Americans head out for a Turkey Trot, José Dueño, SJ, reflects on how training for a marathon became a spiritual journey for him.
Consolation Doesn’t Always Feel Good: Gratitude in Difficult Moments
There are many things in our lives that we are grateful for. But, can we be grateful for difficult moments too?
How to be Catholic at a religiously diverse university
What does it mean to be a Catholic at a school where so many students are non-Christian? Andrew reflects on how much can be accomplished when people of faith are willing to be vulnerable.
A Deacon’s Diary: How Do I Pray Through Doubt?
In his latest diary, Deacon Steve Molvarec, SJ is confronted with the age-old question: how do I pray through doubt? His answer surprised him, and will probably surprise you, too.
Why Did They Shoot Ignacio Ellacuría, SJ?
Ellacuría openly and emphatically emphasized the subversive dimension of the Christian faith. He claimed that Latin America is searching for “revolutionary change rather than reformist change” and that Christianity exhibits a “subversive dynamism,” which, though running the risk of Marxist co-option, can propel revolution against “the demands of capital.”
The Conversion Story of Ignatius is So Much More Than One Battle
As the Society of Jesus celebrates the 500th anniversary of the battle that started St. Ignatius of Loyola’s conversion, Patrick Hyland, SJ argues that we miss so much if we stop at the cannonball.
Among the Tombs with Addiction
Jesuit Brett Helbling learned an important lesson working at a homeless shelter soup kitchen: Don’t wait to tell someone they are important to you. They may disappear before you get the chance.
The Surprising Benefits of Risking Safety
Being overly concerned for our safety might be hindering us from experiencing God’s world. Alex Hale proposes that if we allow ourselves to be influenced by Jesus’ reckless love, we might just find ourselves more secure.
Jesuit 101: Finding Our Way through Ignatian Discernment
We make decisions every day, big and small. Discernment is about bringing God into the process. Reynaldo Belfort Pierrilus, SJ, introduces Ignatian Discernment, the next topic in our Jesuit 101 series.