In subtle ways we are growing together. Don’t waste that opportunity.
Posts in Current Events
Let the March for Life Be About Abortion
Unborn lives, black lives, and all lives
Immigrating Beyond the Bible
To talk immigration, we need to talk humanity
Beauty, Arts, & #FaceMatch
Your Face + Famous Art Work = A trending reflection on beauty?
12 Problems Trump Didn’t Start
We can’t move forward by blaming everything on Trump.
MLK’s Dream: The Hope and the Challenge
King could name injustice without losing hope in justice. Can we?
A Quiet Morning with Harry and Barry
On a slow morning, Eric Immel, SJ savored lessons learned from Harry Potter and Barack Obama.
No More “Me Too”
Oprah called everyone to action at the Golden Globes. What will we do next?
Grieving Together through Song
When trauma strikes in your neighborhood, how will you respond?
Three Jesuit Resolutions for Anxiety
Stressed or Anxious? Ignatius offers a few resolutions to help.