Coming Out of the Dark

Coming Out of the Dark

Last week a good friend called me in tears. “Damian, there is something I need to share with you, but I don’t know how.” I imagined her on the kitchen floor leaning against the fridge, a roll of toilet paper as tissues unraveling beside her, and a jug of pulp-free...
Rethinking Chill

Rethinking Chill

“Will you go out with me?” It’s a terrifying question once awkwardly muttered by romantically untried youths everywhere. No longer. I may have first uttered the words during a teen night at my local YMCA, or perhaps over my family’s landline on a Thursday – the...
American Culture in 7 Snapshots

American Culture in 7 Snapshots

Many road trips have been filled with discussions of my favorite icebreakers: If you could invite any three people to dinner, whom would you invite?1 If you could keep only five U.S. states, which would you keep?2 Or, an even more entertaining one: If you could get...
Our Fathers

Our Fathers

Our father left us. Not in the permanent, out-for-a-smoke-never-to-return, kind of way. He left us habitually; that is to say, with regularity. He left us outside of supermarkets and soccer games, hardware stores and nurseries. “Here’s a shopping...
Soap Operas and Syrian Refugees

Soap Operas and Syrian Refugees

View image | People in my life know that I love the same few things, which makes gift-giving really easy. Puppies. Martha Stewart. JCrew. And soap operas. When I began watching soap operas more than ten years ago, they were an active part of the...
Can You Drink the Cup?

Can You Drink the Cup?

“A poem,” Robert Frost wrote, “begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness.” In our preaching course, professor Bob VerEecke, SJ encourages us future-priests to break from the boring ease of staid prose....
Two Truths and my Arrogance

Two Truths and my Arrogance

Fifteen minutes into my first retreat as high school campus minister, I found myself sitting in a big circle with all the student leaders of the school. We were playing the classic ice-breaker, “Two Truths and a Lie.” As the game snaked its way around the circle...
Baseball, Technology, and Humanity

Baseball, Technology, and Humanity

View image | My dad was very amused at the inappropriate level of anger I was showing at the TV screen. He was curious why something like this could stir up such deep emotions in his non-sports-fanatic son.1 But the truth is, one of the more...