Dancing in the Streets

Dancing in the Streets

I felt a little like the guy in that Eminem song – my palms were sweaty, knees weak, arms were heavy. But there was more to it than that. My heart pounded like it does when I watch a scary movie; at times I plugged my ears, chewed hard on the crew-neck collar of...
The Jesuit Trade

The Jesuit Trade

On Tuesday September 6, ITT Technical Institute announced that it was shutting down. The school offered classes in web design, computer building, nursing technicians, and many other hands-on jobs. Its closing leaves over 35,000 students with millions in debt. The...
The Relevance of Irrelevance

The Relevance of Irrelevance

“So, you’re kind of irrelevant?” Her question caught me off guard, and although I had no immediate response for my fellow grad student, a part of me had to admit that she had a point. I have chosen a way of life that many today would refer to as archaic: I am a member...
An Open Letter to Cubs Fans, From a Sox Fan

An Open Letter to Cubs Fans, From a Sox Fan

Embed from Getty Images Dear Cubs fans, We actually have a lot in common. We root for the Bears, the Bulls, and the Blackhawks side by side. Yet every April, these shared experiences are put on hold. You have your Cubs. I have my White Sox. We tolerate each other...
The Other Election

The Other Election

Sexual Harassment. WikiLeaks. Tax Returns. Private E-mail Servers. 3 A.M. Tweets. The list goes on. By any standard, this has been a particularly rough presidential election. What should be a conversation about our hopes for the future has become a screaming match...
The Present Pain of My Past

The Present Pain of My Past

“Why are you calling me? Didn’t we just hang out yesterday?” This is Rob. He’s a couple years younger than myself. I graduated college a year ago and we remain rather close as he finishes school. And he is correct, we did just hangout. Last night. He has keys to my...
Trump’s America

Trump’s America

Who was really surprised by the revelations of the past week?   Who didn’t know that Donald Trump would say unprintable things about women? Who didn’t know that Trump would speak ill of others in an effort to boastfully improve his own image? And who didn’t know that...
Based on a True Story…

Based on a True Story…

I realized there’s something not quite right when I was watching this year’s Emmy Awards and seeing Sarah Paulson win an award for playing Marcia Clark, with the real Marcia Clark as her guest.  Paulson, of course, was part of the all-star cast in the fictionalized...
Ignatian Yoga

Ignatian Yoga

I’m tired and sore as I sit in Catholic liturgies and retreats. I have become more and more aware of how my body and breath are overlooked. I want a Church that takes the connection between the body, mind, and spirit more seriously. I envision a Church that recognizes...
Borrowed Wisdom

Borrowed Wisdom

I think it’s the metallic clicking and tapping from his typewriter that I remember most about my grandfather. He passed away years ago, but somehow the rhythmic percussion of his fingers hitting the keys remains. I can still see him sitting at his corner desk with the...