by Mike Martinez, SJ | Jun 14, 2021 | Justice, Prayers, Spirituality, Topics ~ Approx. 8 mins
The Jesuits (and also Franciscans) have a long and fascinating history of promoting the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It was so important, explicit mention of the devotion was added into the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus: “All should have a high...
by Mike Martinez, SJ | Mar 19, 2021 | Current Events, Faith & Family, Global Catholicism, Justice, Spirituality, The Jesuits, Topics ~ Approx. 9 mins
St. Joseph today continues to be a mystery for many Christians. He remains just… … the older saint that stands behind Mary and Jesus in most Christian art, … a familiar statue to place in our Nativity sets during Christmas, …. a pious devotional figure for...
by Mike Martinez, SJ | Mar 12, 2021 | Justice, Music, Pop Culture, Prayers, Spirituality, The Jesuits, Topics ~ Approx. 4 mins
When I was a Jesuit novice, I once eagerly asked one of our Province’s most socially committed Jesuits what the most “radical” thing I can do today as a Jesuit? His response wasn’t what I expected: “Pray!” he said. I think he meant something other than praying more...
by Brian Strassburger, SJ | Feb 23, 2021 | Catholic 101 ~ Approx. 9 mins
“Have you been saved?” Picture yourself seated next to someone on a flight. Before you can get your headphones in, they lean towards you and ask the question. “Have you been saved?” If you’re like me in this scenario, you give a quick “oh, yes, thank you,” and then...
by Bill McCormick, SJ | Jan 8, 2021 | Current Events, Faith & Politics, In the News, Justice, Topics ~ Approx. 3 mins
A great deal of energy has gone into arguing about historical parallels to our time: imperial Rome, Gilded Age America, Weimar (pre-Nazi) Germany. It is important that we get those historical parallels right. It is too easy to draw flattened, one-dimensional lessons...