The Value of the Kingdom of God | One-Minute Homily

What would you do to obtain a great treasure? What are we willing to do for the sake of the Kingdom of God? William Manaker, SJ, reflects on the value of the Kingdom of God through the parable of the treasure in the field.

Did You Know? Boring Prayer is Good Prayer.

Did You Know? Boring Prayer is Good Prayer.

I am far from the only person who has ever been frustrated by prayer in which “nothing happens.” In fact, I hear this quite regularly from people sharing their spiritual lives. We want to experience our prayer as we do almost everything else: productively. We wish to finish a time in prayer feeling that we have accomplished something, learned something, moved forward, or used our time well.

Run the (Virtual) Race so as to Win

Run the (Virtual) Race so as to Win

About two months ago, I received an email from the Detroit Free Press/TCF Bank Marathon staff which told me that, due to continued uncertainty caused by the pandemic, the race was canceled.  The message was disappointing but entirely understandable.  They did say,...

What I Missed the Most in Quarantine

What I Missed the Most in Quarantine

It took two weeks of monotony and uncertainty to realize what I really relied on. And in my most recent quarantine, I experienced what millions around the world have been going through since March. And it’s something I pray we can all return to again, in person, to celebrate the ultimate celebration.
