We are called to love like Jesus loved: with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Fr. Joseph Dickan, SJ, says this love must impact all our daily choices. Based on the readings from the Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Cooperating with Evil: Our Complicity in the Torture of Animals
A vast majority of our animal-based foods come from the cruel practice of factory farming. Daniel Mascarenhas, SJ explores how our Catholic faith ought to inspire us to refrain from cooperating with this evil.
Why Christian Forgiveness Requires Every Christian to be a Priest
Christians are challenged to forgive daily, but could it also be a sacrament? In a follow-up to his previous article, Erin explores the relationship between forgiveness and the priestly identity of every baptized Christian.
Discerning Democracy: Navigating Civic Life with the Fourth Week of the Spiritual Exercises
Today’s heightened polarization has seemingly erected insurmountable walls in our political discourse. Concluding this miniseries, Ty Wahlbrink, SJ, suggests how we might find joy using insights in the Fourth Week meditations, even though we might still feel stuck mourning near Jesus’ tomb.
Catholic 101: Transubstantiation
How is that Catholics believe Christ becomes really present under the form of bread and wine at Mass? Joe Seiter helps us understand transubstantiation, and how theology and faith both inform one of the Church’s great mysteries.
Talk 7: My Identity as a Disciple | 2023 Lenten Retreat: Who do you say that I am?
As we move through Holy Week, we move further into our Lenten Retreat. After looking at our sins we are met with a healthy and good dose of confusion for God’s immense love for us. How does this love move us to respond?
Faith and Searching in Boygenius’ New Album
Boygenius’ members have created music that resonates with themes of faith, doubt, and questioning from a variety of perspectives, and the group’s new album is no exception. Nate Cortas helps us explore the ways the trio search for meaning, and perhaps for God, in the album.
Talk 6: Hell and the Identity of My Love | 2023 Lenten Retreat: Who do you say that I am?
Sometimes we must come face to face with our sins and their effects. In this talk of our Lenten Retreat, Damian focuses on a key moment in the First Week of the Spiritual Exercises. We look deeply at our sins in order to see God’s profound love for us.
I was the Lost Sheep. Jesus found me and sent me to find more lost sheep
While praying about where his next mission might be, Ignatius experienced himself being found like the lost sheep. Having begun his mission, he realized Jesus found him so that he might find others.
Talk 5: My Identity as a Child of God | 2023 Lenten Retreat: Who do you say that I am?
Approaching God with our sins can be difficult, but going with Mary and Jesus can help. In this week’s retreat talk, we’ll explore Ignatius’s Triple Colloquy prayer method, which involves conversing with Mary, Jesus, and God. This method reminds us that we are never alone.