Sometimes we are like Zacchaeus and sometimes we are like the crowd. Are there times when we have blocked people from seeing Jesus? Emmanuel Arenas, SJ, reflects on the story of Zacchaeus and having confidence in Jesus.
Being Creative Enough: Lessons from a Mexican Jesuit Parish on Vibrant Youth Ministry
In today’s environment, cultivating a vibrant youth ministry can feel like an uphill battle. Beto Guzmán, SJ shares insights from his work at a Mexican Jesuit parish, offering creative, hope-filled ways to make the Church a home for young people.
Sitting Down with My Dad to Talk About Synodality: Part Two
What is at the heart of the Synod on Synodality? Dan Finucane, SJ, sits down with his father, theologian Dr. Dan Finucane, to discuss Dan SJ’s experience at the Synod on Synodality.
Sitting Down with My Dad to Talk About Synodality: Part One
What is at the heart of the Synod on Synodality? Dan Finucane, SJ, sits down with his father, theologian Dr. Dan Finucane, to discuss Dan SJ’s experience at the Synod on Synodality.
How Has Laudato si’ Changed Your Life?
A vegetarian diet to care for creation.
A New Westeros and a New Jerusalem
Jon Snow, John of Patmos, and what we want the world to be.
My Defensive Mask
Feeling defensive? Maybe it’s God knocking at the door!
One-Minute Homily: “Don’t Save the Best for Last”
And they’ll know we are Christians by our ______. Fr. Michael Rossmann, SJ unpacks Jesus’ “last lecture” in this week’s One-Minute Homily.
“Detective Pikachu”: The Bond Between Us
The surprising success of “Pokémon Detective Pikachu,” starring Ryan Reynolds and Justice Smith, comes from its ability to stay true to a driving theme of the storyline of the games and anime: it is the bond between us that leads to success.
“Avengers: Endgame” – From Heartbreak to Hope
“Avengers: Endgame” brings a satisfying conclusion to the 22 movies from Marvel Studios over the last eleven years. Confronting the evil of Thanos, all of the Avengers, including Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man, struggle with their motivations as they move from heartbreak to hope. The film is less about “how” the heroes will defeat Thanos, and more about the “why” that motivates them all.