In light of a recent list of the world’s happiest countries, Jason Welle takes a deeper look at what happiness means – and where it might be found.
Posts in Uncategorized
Avoiding Violence in the Gun Debate
Michael Rozier explores how the current debate on gun control is really an issue of public health.
TJPodcast: Super Bowl Edition
It’s the most-watched TV program of the year… of course we’re going to have our opinions!
You Can’t Take It With You
We remember this week: what they did when they were out and about.
Celebrity vs. Saint, 2.0: In With a Bang
The American public has spoken…and we love Michelle Obama’s bangs. But do they have more pop than Mary Magdalene’s red hair?
“Losing Our Religion” and Learning to Listen
Brendan Busse finds asking those who still practice religion why others have quit the game a… curious approach. He asks: why not go to the source itself?
Love, Loss and the Madness I Found There – Saying Farewell to FRINGE
TJP’s resident TV expert Jim McDermott reviews his three favorite things about Fox’s recently concluded FRINGE.
Worth Watching: A Living Map
“It is only appropriate that all of these borders, thoroughfares, markers of our earthly existence, be represented by people.”
The Painting? Fake. The Jesuit, Too.
Which is easier to tell apart: a fake Jesuit or a fake painting? Tim O’Brien was surprised to learn the answer.
The 2nd Inauguration: Now Can We Say Racism Is Dead?
Surely a nation that celebrated the second inauguration of its black president is a nation in which racism is on the decline. Not so fast says Mario Powell.