Don’t judge us, but Jason Welle would like to tell you something about a popular social media meme you might have seen.
Posts in Uncategorized
You Can Have Carrot Top
Jake Martin — no slouch at comedy himself — points out another Catholic comic who’s showing that faith works well with funny.
Confessions of a Raging Extrovert (a Top 10 List)
Extrovert Matt Stewart confesses the top 10 things he’s learned by being an extrovert in an introvert’s world – the world of religious life.
The Jumbotron and the Cross
Public pageantry? Yes. Liturgical theater? Yes. Something more complex than either? Absolutely.
You Can’t Take it with You: Twin Cities Edition
These above-average Golden Gophers (and others) left behind contributions of the eminently practical sort.
When Beautiful and Interesting Aren’t the Same Thing
Old wisdom has it that truth is beauty and vice versa. An emotional interview with Dustin Hoffman has new TJP-er wondering if the old wisdom is correct.
It’s A Boy! (In A Box?)
The stork might not actually deliver any babies in slings, but our Michael Rozier thinks a baby-in-a-box may make the world a place fit for, well, a king.
“Rockstar” Terrorist: On the Rolling Stone Controversy
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover of Rolling Stone has Matt Spotts asking: is something outrageous just because it sparks outrage?
#tbt – Keepin’ Cool
#tbt with all the best in summer toys and kitschy advertising
Casting the First Stone: Paula Deen
Something – in the well-practiced rush to condemn Paula Deen – has Tim O’Brien feeling a bit unsettled.