Someone asked Jake Martin who his hero is, and his answer may surprise you.

All posts by Jake Martin, SJ
Jake teaches Theatre and Theology at Loyola Academy in Chicago.
Joined in 2012
0 postsWorth Listening: An Interview with Tom Leopold
If God has a sense of humor, Tom Leopold may be one of his writers. Maybe.
You Can Have Carrot Top
Jake Martin — no slouch at comedy himself — points out another Catholic comic who’s showing that faith works well with funny.
Martin on Martin: Reviewing an eRetreat
Jake Martin reviews Jim Martin’s new eBook… eRetreat… eWhatever, “Together on Retreat.”
Isn’t It Ironic?
Jake Martin hesitates before clicking “like” on Facebook, wondering “what will people think?”
Worth Watching: Up All Night
Generation X Drags its Feet toward Middle Age in “Up All Night.” Jake Martin has a look.
Worth Watching: Web Therapy
Our Jake Martin takes a few therapeutic moments on the couch…and likes the results.
What’s So Funny about Faith? An Excerpt on Exorcism
In this excerpt from J. Martin’s (no, not that one) wry memoir we hear about how he first met the Jesuits in the flesh… and his disappointment in our lack of exorcism workshops taught by “top Jesuit exorcists” from around the world.
David Foster Wallace and the Two Standards
Admittedly aging hipster Jake Martin on the great DFW and the Two Standards.