Thought the law would protect you when you needed it most? Think again. TJP law contributor Nate Romano would like to tell you about so-called nuisance laws.
Posts in Uncategorized
Discerniendo la entrevista con el papa Francisco
Ultimas noticias – ¡El Papa Francisco dijo algo y la mayoría de la gente esta convencida de que les da la razón!
Closing Time on Capitol Hill
In his TJP debut, Danny asks how a government shutdown might effect the most vulnerable in our country.
#tbt-The Case for War
A Middle-Eastern autocrat who allegedly used chemical weapons on his people? As senior Middle Eastern affairs scholar Yogi Berra put it, “It’s deja vu all over again.”
Worth a Listen: The Greatest Tribute EVER?
Covers of classics are a dime a dozen. What elevates a mere cover to a true tribute?
Papa Francisco: Obsesiónense con las personas, no con las polémicas
¡Aborto! ¡Matrimonio homosexual! ¡Anticonceptivos! Francisco agarra el cable de alta tensión en esta entrevista para que los demás podamos aprender a soltarlo.
Another Fox With Something to Say
Who let fox out..wolf…wait…chacha-chow? More on fox talk (ft. Dr. Seuss) and real fun from Quang Tran.
After the Navy Yard: Waiting for Action Redux
What have we done about gun violence since Newtown? And what have we avoided doing?
TJP Salutes Constitution Day!
“A constitution should be short and obscure.” – Napoleon. “A TJP post should be brief and enlightening.” – Our own Nate Romano.
Sangre y agua: pecado, sufrimiento y “Top of the Lake”
Jane Campion’s ‘Top of the Lake’ explora las consecuencias del crimen. Brendan Busse, SJ piensa que no estamos simplemente interesados en quién merece morir por la culpa o quién lo hizo, sino cómo seguir viviendo cuando no sabemos cómo soportarlo más.