In this moment of our history, the places where people would seek solace, tenderness and mercy, those doors have been closed. All for the safety of the community, indeed, and yet the void of these sacred spaces is quite felt.
Posts in Spirituality
Contemplation in Quarantine
This is a time where people should develop an attitude of contemplation. How can we take a “long, loving, look at the real,” during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Coronavirus Has Shifted Reality, and My Mind and Heart Are Scattered
The gift of a scattered mind is that it reaches to the limits of everything I know and grasps to make sense of it. It’s the only way that a new baby girl, a recollection of old habits, a life in religious community, and a global pandemic can come together and remind me that love is greater than fear. Love is the only thing that brings my mind back to center.
A New Resource: the TJP Curriculum Guide
TJP has a new resource to share! We have received lots of feedback over the years from educators and ministers who use our content in the classroom, on retreats, and for faculty formation. Introducing, the TJP Curriculum Guide. This guide includes articles and videos published by TJP, organized by nearly twenty different themes, with hyperlinks to the content. Check out the list of themes and click the link to view and download the new TJP Curriculum Guide.
Life Changes from Lent and Coronavirus: What TJP Readers Are Doing
Both the season of Lent and the current coronavirus crisis are desert experiences. Just as we adapt new practices during Lent, we are experiencing radical changes in our lives with the spread of COVID-19. Last month, we reached out to TJP readers about how they are praying, fasting, and giving alms this year. Many of you responded. Read the responses, along with the graces that readers are receiving. You’ll find that these words echo even stronger amid the uncertainty and anxiety of the current crisis.
Every Lent I Think of This Native American Parable: Do Not Forget Who You Are!
One of the great images of Lent is Jesus being driven into the desert where he goes toe-to-toe with Satan. As real as Jesus’ temptations are to pleasure, fame, and power, they are but expressions of a more fundamental and deceptively obvious one: the temptation to forget who and whose you are.
On Ash Wednesday I Am Reminded Why Church is a Safe Space for the Everyday Sinner, Like Me
There is something I find at Mass on Ash Wednesday that I don’t find elsewhere. Nowhere besides here do I step in line with old ladies in purple sweaters, fellow students, elderly widows, the nuns, the homeless, the workers on lunch hour, the priests, and the University president to face our shame, imperfections, and our transgressions, together.
A Not-So-Radical Proposal for Your Lenten Season: Do Nothing
Ash Wednesday is just one week away. Before you decide to give up candy or french fries or even Facebook, I encourage you to take some advice: do nothing.
I Am in Awe and Wonder of God Whenever I Pray
The mystery of wonder involved in the Spiritual Exercises consists of meeting people in their spiritual journeys with God. The wonder includes accompanying with love and compassion, helping people remember they are precious creatures of creation.
During Super Bowl LIV I Cheered for the Packers…and Jesus
I’m a proud son of Green Bay, WI, and I have plenty of Packers apparel in my wardrobe. The other day I was at the gym, and given my workout clothing rotation, it happened that I was wearing a Packers t-shirt and shorts – green and gold from head to toe.