In Part 4 of the Adventure-series, Keith Maczkiewicz, SJ finds himself shopping around – for gifts and for parishes – and discovers the importance of the present.
Posts in Spirituality
Painting a Vision: Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Andrés Arteaga, SJ describes his process of creating art in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe and displays the beautiful finished product.
Here. But not yet. A TJP Advent-ure: Week 3
In Part III of the “Advent-ure” series, Eric Immel, SJ learns how to see through the eyes of love. If only he could do that all the time.
An Open Letter to Hate, Suffering, and Fear: You have NOT won.
Colten Biro, SJ, would have words with the hate, fear, and suffering in the world lately.
Here. But not yet. A TJP Advent-ure: Week 2
In the second piece of the series, Damian Torres-Botello, SJ discovers the Advent-ure of waiting to meet male prostitutes in Chicago.
Thanksgiving Traditions
Alex Placke, SJ prepares for Thanksgiving by sharing some of his favorite parts of the holiday.
Here. But not yet. A TJP Advent-ure: Week 1
In the first of the “Here. But not yet. Advent-ture” blog series, Brendan Busse, SJ sets the stage with dramatic tension, lights and all.
When Yoga and Ignatian Spirituality Meet
Bobby Karle, SJ connects yoga and Ignatian spirituality into his Jesuit formation and ministry.
Getting Back What Anxiety Stole
Commitments, errands and responsibilities keep Garrett Gundlach, SJ anxious and distracted. Until he lets himself stop.
Facebook and Prayer: A Reaction to Paris and Beirut
While searching for how we can respond to the attacks in Paris and Beirut, Simon Zachary does the one thing he knows to do in a situation like this: pray.