Nativity sets are everywhere, but that shouldn’t make us forget the reality of the circumstances of Christ’s birth. Hope is being born where we least expect it.
Posts in Current Events
What Child is This? Or rather, What Children are These?
To explore the mystery of the Incarnation, Philip draws, quite literally, on his experience working with children in the Jesuit novitiate.
This Christmas, Let’s End the Violence On Our Dinner Plates.
The idea of billions of sentient creatures slaughtered to satisfy our gastronomic wants around the holidays should give us pause. There are no good reasons for eating animal products as part of holiday traditions.
Can you hear me? Sometimes prayer feels like a Zoom meeting
In his first article, a Jesuit in Peru wonders if virtual teaching and a favorite Christmas song have something to teach him about unanswered prayers.
Jesuit Fr. Melo on the presidential victory of Xiomara Castro in Honduras: “We are a happy people after a long bout of sadness.”
As the right-wing narco regime of Juan Orlando Hernandez gives way to the presidency of recently elected leftist
Xiomara Castro in Honduras, Jesuit, Fr. Melo says that the people of God rejoice but must always remain the critical consciousness of political power.
As a Jesuit Political Scientist, Religion Doesn’t Often Play a Direct Role in My Work. Am I Still Serving the Church?
My work as a political scientist focused on the Middle East, may not always involve directly talking about God, but it is deeply enmeshed with how we see God and God’s people, and it involves being acutely aware of their needs and their dignity.
A Genius for Humanity: Remembering Stephen Sondheim
In the wake of theater composer Stephen Sondheim’s death on November 26, Shane Liesegang, SJ tries to understand why the loss feels so personal for so many.
This Advent, Prepare Your Heart for Jesus by Changing How You Pray
Kicked out of his usual classroom, Patrick Hyland, SJ remembered his summers mowing lawns. The memories offered an unexpected spiritual encouragement.
The Jesuit Border Podcast
Louie Hotop, SJ, and Brian Strassburger, SJ, are two recently ordained Jesuit priests working on the US-Mexico border in Brownsville, TX. They’ve started the Jesuit Border Podcast to share stories and interviews that explore the humanitarian response along the U.S.-Mexico border from a Catholic perspective. Check it out and subscribe!
Why Did They Shoot Ignacio Ellacuría, SJ?
Ellacuría openly and emphatically emphasized the subversive dimension of the Christian faith. He claimed that Latin America is searching for “revolutionary change rather than reformist change” and that Christianity exhibits a “subversive dynamism,” which, though running the risk of Marxist co-option, can propel revolution against “the demands of capital.”