In the last year, two great Jesuit historians passed away: Fr. John Padberg and Fr. John O’Malley. A budding Jesuit historian reflects on their legacy.

All posts by Brent Gordon, SJ
Brent is a Jesuit Brother from Central Florida and currently living in St. Louis, MO. Before joining the Society in 2018 he was variously a middle school teacher, a diocesan seminarian, and a graduate student specializing in Sanskrit epic poetry. He enjoys spending several hours in conversation over a cup of coffee, books, history, jellybeans, and people in general.
Joined in 2020 @bro_bgsj
9 postsJesuit 101: Jesuit Brothers
What is a Jesuit brother? In short, they are models of radical availability and accompaniment. Learn more about the vocation of Jesuit brothers, including their history, great examples and saints, and what it’s like to be a brother today.
Jesuit Superior General’s New Book Helps Us Ask, “Where is God?”
Fr. Arturo Sosa’s new book is concerned more with the kind of conversion that leads us to new questions than to firm answers.
This Jesuit Walked Across Asia in Disguise for Five Years
In 1602, Jesuit Brother Bento de Goës was sent on a five year excursion by land across Asia to search for a legendary kingdom of Christians supposedly located northeast of India and west of China.
“The Point” of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
“The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by Robert Louis Stevenson was published 135 years ago and its big reveal is well-known. Why read something when we already know the ending – the overall message? This entry in “Fantasy, Fiction, and Faith” addresses this as well as what Jekyll and Hyde can teach us about recognizing friendship, responsibility, and the nature of God’s love.
Bros in Beowulf: A New Translation of a Medieval Epic
“Beowulf,” the Old English epic, received a fresh take in a new translation by Maria Dahvana Headley. It’s astounding from the very first word. Reading this updated classic raises many questions. Are we victims of fate or benefactors of Divine Providence? What makes a good person? And how do we translate ancient texts, like Beowulf or even Scripture, into modern language?
Fantasy Literature, Imagination, and Christian Life
Fantasy and the imagination have much to contribute to our religious experience. We’re excited to announce this new series, “Fantasy, Fiction, and Faith,” that will examine imaginative literature from the lens of faith.
Choosing to be a Jesuit Brother
As we conclude Jesuit Vocations Month, here is one Jesuit’s reflection on the Brother vocation and how it can help us all reflect on vocations in general.
How C.S. Lewis’s Literary Criticism Can Help Our Media Consumption
These nine rules for literary criticism provide helpful reminders for us as we engage in a reality that can so often seem unreal.