Graduations happen all the time. Eric Immel, SJ, reflects on attending one that’s never happened before.
Posts in Current Events
The Deep Dive of Cross-Cultural Immersion
From his life abroad, Brian Strassburger, S.J. reflects on the challenges and graces of taking the deep dive into a new language and culture.
Making Mountains
Hills? Mountains? Or maybe something bigger? Colten Biro, SJ, reflects on a hike against his own stubbornness.
I’m Not Welcome Here
What does it feel like to be unwelcome and unwanted in your home community?
What do the responses to the Charlottesville terrorist attack tell us about ourselves?
Trump in the Land of Castro
Political strongmen in the United States are not free to do as they please.
Parks in Peril, Part II
What most threatens America’s public spaces?
Silencing the Man, Not His Message
Xiaobo showed us how to live our life for others in the midst of suffering and futility.
Why the Spadaro/Figueroa Article is Divisive
Did Vatican insiders mean to poke American conservatives in the eye?
A Modest Endorsement of “A Surprising Ecumenism”
Spadaro and Figueroa have pointed out some troubling realities of the current state of religion and politics in the United States.