The days are steadily growing shorter. The temperature is dropping, and people are starting to don hats and heavier coats. Every year around Thanksgiving, I like to pray with the question, “What am I grateful for?” I think it’s a good question for everyone to pray...
Bl. Miguel Pro loved to make people laugh and was serious enough about his faith that he risked his life to serve others. Emmanuel Arenas, SJ, reflects on his life. Blessed Miguel Pro reminds us that a life well-lived is more important than a life long-lived. When...
“I was reading the bible in my theology class,” one student said. “I was shocked at how rude it depicts Prophet Ibrahim and Sara. They are so disrespectful to God. She literally laughs at Allah!” We were in a Muslim Life Class, a mostly informal get together for...
What kind of king is Jesus Christ? On this Solemnity, Br. Sullivan McCormick, SJ, reflects on the king that stays with us, even in the midst of pain and suffering. Based on the readings for Sunday, November 21, 2021. Today on the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ,...
This is the fourth installment of A Deacon’s Diary. In the third installment, Steve grappled with finding his voice in the pulpit. I. I was standing on the street outside of Marsh Chapel at Boston University. BU’s Catholic Chaplain, our FOCUS missionaries, and I were...
Check out the latest episode! The Jesuit Border Podcast seeks to highlight the work that the Catholic Church and others are doing to address the needs of migrants along the US-Mexico border. Fr. Brian Strassburger and Fr. Louie Hotop are two Jesuit priests sent to the...
In the early hours of the morning on November 16, 1989, three hundred Salvadoran soldiers circled the campus of the Society of Jesus’s Central American University (UCA) in El Salvador. A smaller dispatch proceeded to the Jesuit residence, where they murdered six...
On November 12, the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) ended in Glasgow, Scotland. The purpose of the conference was to assess progress in dealing with climate change, with special attention to greenhouse gases emitted by developed nations. This...
Jesus reminds us that we need to be vigilant and pay attention. Patrick Saint-Jean, SJ, reflects on the warning of Christ and challenges us to pay attention to Christ within our midst. Based on the readings for Sunday, November 14, 2021. Pay Attention: The time of the...
The following reflection is part of our “Jesuit 101” series, celebrating the Ignatian Year. This piece helps us to dive deeper into Ignatian Discernment. To learn more about this discernment, check out our explainer article: “Jesuit 101: Finding Our Way Through...