Mary: Mother of the Church

Mary: Mother of the Church

One of the things I love most about being Catholic is the sheer volume of details—names, places, images, practices, etc.—that make up our Church. It would take multiple lifetimes to investigate the half of them. Every so often, I like to dig a little bit deeper into...
Writing My Way To God

Writing My Way To God

       There was a gunpowder tension quivering in the air… The words sat on the screen followed by a blinking cursor. It stared back at me as my fingers hovered over the keys. It wasn’t a bad start, but it felt wrong. Delete-delete-delete… My fingers extended in a...
From Reformation to Reconciliation

From Reformation to Reconciliation

It’s almost impossible to make it through prime time news without hearing a story about conflict. If you’re like me, you’re also tired of hearing about it. For once, I’d like to hear about groups of people that have resolved a long-standing conflict or at least agreed...
10 Surprising Things in the Catechism

10 Surprising Things in the Catechism

The Catechism of the Catholic Church was first promulgated by St. John Paul II 25 years ago, October 11, 1985. In honor of this silver anniversary, TJP would like to point out some surprising things about the Catechism. If you don’t own a copy, it can be found on the...
Los Muertos Remain With Me

Los Muertos Remain With Me

We’ve come inside from the road, a welcome reprieve from the brutally hot southern Arizona desert. Our host, the chief medical examiner, begins a thorough explanation of the death investigation services the Pima County morgue provides for Unidentified Border Crossers...
Finding the Martin Luther in All of Us

Finding the Martin Luther in All of Us

The sound of hammer hitting nail continues to reverberate through imaginations five hundred years after it ceased echoing through Wittenberg. On this day, five centuries ago, Martin Luther posted his ninety-five theses and, so the story goes, began the Protestant...
A Heart of Stone (My Own)

A Heart of Stone (My Own)

59 were killed, and many more wounded on October 1st in Las Vegas. It was a massacre. I heard about the shooting the day it occurred, and I was hauntingly… unmoved. I knew that what happened was terrible. I felt pangs of sadness at a memorial Mass. But I didn’t feel...
The East St. Louis Race Riots: 100 Years Later

The East St. Louis Race Riots: 100 Years Later

In 1917, perhaps the worst race riot in American history was unleashed in East St. Louis. Through acts of mob violence and terrorism, up to 400 Black people were estimated to have been murdered and thousands were left homeless after their houses were destroyed. Today,...