How do we recognize the voice of the shepherd? Sullivan McCormick, SJ, reflects on discerning the different voices that we might hear in our head in this week’s One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, July 18, 2021. How do we know the voice of the...
What will we leave behind to follow Jesus? Patrick Saint-Jean, SJ, reflects on the call of Jesus in today’s gospel. Based on the readings for Sunday, July 11, 2021. What are you willing to leave behind now to come with Jesus? Hi, my name is Patrick Saint-Jean....
Nobody likes change. That’s often why people rejected the message of Jesus and the prophets. Fr Eric Sundrup, SJ reflects on the pain of change and the message of Jesus. Based on the readings for Sunday, July 4, 2021. Nobody likes change. Hi I’m Fr. Eric Sundrup...
Today’s readings remind us that God does not create death, but works to defeat death through the Resurrection. “The glory of God is the living human being.” – St. Irenaeus of Lyon. Hi, I’m Doug Jones, and this is my One Minute Reflection. Our first...
Does prayer ever seem dry or just not meet expectations? Br. Sullivan McCormick, SJ, reflects on the calming of the storm at sea and how Jesus defies expectations. Based on the readings for Sunday, June 20, 2021. How do we respond when prayer doesn’t meet our...