The story of the Prodigal Son gives us a beautiful portrait of the mercy and compassion of God. No matter who we identify with in the story, there is a celebration waiting for us. Matthew Zurcher, SJ, reflects and asks: What is keeping us from going in? Based on the...
Podcast Episode: Jesus says that he is the true vine. That must mean there are false vines out there as well. In this talk, David introduces the meditation on the Two Standards in the Second Week of the Spiritual Exercises. There are forces in the world that draw us...
Podcast Episode: With this talk, the retreat transitions to the Second Week of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Jesus Christ came to bring the kingdom of God to us. He calls us to work alongside him in building that kingdom. It’s a long-term project,...
When something big happens, we’re often tempted to jump into action, but what we really need to do is stop and listen. Danny Gustafson, SJ, reflects on this lesson of the Transfiguration. Based on the readings for Sunday, March 13, 2022. Don’t just do something!...
Podcast episode: In this talk, David reflects on the First Week of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Jesus tells us that God the Father prunes the disciples who live as branches on the vine. He does this so that our discipleship is more effective. The pruning...