by Eric Sundrup, SJ | Jan 22, 2012 | Uncategorized ~ Approx. 1 min
St. Ignatius Loyola once had a mystical experience of the Trinity. In his characteristically spartan account he notes that his experience was like three notes making up one chord. Perhaps this was the first of many Ignatian audio-visual presentations? As odd as it...
by Brendan Busse, SJ | Jan 22, 2012 | Blogs ~ Approx. 2 mins
Sometimes I feel like the confused rat Emile in the animated film Ratatouille whose brother Remy waves a piece of stinking cheese passionately in front of his nose wondering if he can “detect a certain oaky nuttiness” in its aroma; Emile responds to Remy’s inquiry...
by Michael Rossmann, SJ | Jan 22, 2012 | Uncategorized ~ Approx. 6 mins
Writing about Tim Tebow was so two weeks ago. Even though the 2011 NFL season will soon be over (leaving me to distract myself with poorly edited YouTube videos of Lob City and the greatest Spanish import since paella), just like driving past a highway accident, I...