My Defensive Mask

My Defensive Mask

I put on my best I’m-really-listening-face, sitting in an old, kind of gross, white-ish wingback chair. My friend sits opposite on another identical chair. As I nurse a glass of nice Scotch, I notice the ends of the armrests, stained mysteriously gray from hours of...
Seeking Beauty in the Busy

Seeking Beauty in the Busy

The caffeine sweetness of steam rises, whirling and swirling up from the cup of coffee held tightly in my hand. Its gentle, soothing aromas providing solace and warmth. Instead of taking a slow sip, I grab a quick gulp and then dive into the blur of the school day....
Dark Humor

Dark Humor

This post was originally published on April 11, 2018.  *** It was like a scene out of a Cohen brothers dark comedy (think Fargo). My friend and I were having lunch at a Jesuit retirement community, which was typically a wonderful time to take in old stories and wisdom...
Without Perfect Words

Without Perfect Words

I’m nearly certain a drop of sweat was slowly crawling down my forehead, and it was not hot. We stood outside of a church, pinned off to the side of the crowd exiting after mass. In front of me, an older woman, spatterings of grey hair and a few creases hanging on the...