Turn the other cheek, give your cloak, love your enemies. Eric Immel, SJ, reflects on how Jesus teaches us to go against our natural instincts in this week’s One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings from Sunday, February 23. Today is opposite day! Today, I’m...
Two weeks ago, Pope Francis released his post-synodal exhortation, Querida Amazonia. TJP – as well as many others – has published reflections and inspirations that have grown out of this attentive, patient, and poetic document. But I want to focus on what...
Jesus did not come to abolish the law, but he reminds us that there is much more to it. Jeff Ryan Miraflor, SJ, reflects on what we often miss when we think of law and rules in this week’s One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, February 16, 2020....
What are your gifts and how do you use them? Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ, reminds us to be courageous with our gifts so that we can “give light to all.” Based on the readings for Sunday, February 9, 2020. What good is a match if you don’t light it? Hi, I’m Fr Joe...
How is the Holy Spirit calling you? Damian Terres-Botello, SJ, recounts how the Holy Spirit led Simeon to Jesus and encourages all of us to keep the same guidance. Based on the readings for Sunday, February 2, 2020. If it’s good for the Holy Spirit then it’s good for...