The view is, on first glance, nothing short of devastating. Rounding a corner in the road, the trees give way not to some scenic view of the valley but to a strange waste. Instead of the southern Appalachian forest, thick and green in late summer, a carved-up field...
I was reading the very first pages of Martin Hengel’s book Studies in Early Christianity for Christology class, and all I could think of were the aliens from the movie Toy Story. The hypnosis of the aliens regarding the claw, seems comical. They cannot see past it. It...
After entering the Jesuits, I had to transform my relationship with the world of art. Art, especially religious art, has been present in my life since I was two years old. Religious art has been my passion since early on: It marks my way of relating to the surrounding...
Last summer, walking around the campus of Jesuit High, my newest assignment, I spied a patch of dirt that used to be a vegetable garden. I reminisced that I had enjoyed scratching around in the dirt as a child, and I figured I could start a dynamic gardening club at...
Podcast Episode: In the Fourth Week of the Spiritual Exercises, we focus on the risen Christ. He has passed through the suffering of the cross and entered into his glory. Desiring that others share his joy, he goes about consoling all who were deeply shaken by his...