The Little Way of St. Therese Lisieux

The Little Way of St. Therese Lisieux

St. Therese of Lisieux, affectionately known as “The Little Flower,” is one of the most popular saints of recent memory and beloved by many, myself included.  She was born in 1873, the youngest of five daughters to Louis and Zelie Martin (themselves now also saints). ...
Vowed to Love

Vowed to Love

I’ve come to see that all of my temptations come from living one subtle lie: God might not be enough for me.1 My lifelong vows of poverty, chastity and obedience are nothing short of a constant reminder to myself and to the world that God is always enough.2 I did not...
Accompanying like Jesus as a Jesuit Brother

Accompanying like Jesus as a Jesuit Brother

The following reflection is part of our “Jesuit 101” series, celebrating the Ignatian Year. This piece helps us to better understand the vocation of Jesuit Brothers. To learn more, check out our explainer article: “Jesuit 101: Jesuit Brothers.” When I became a...