First Day Out of Prison: A Modern-Day Parable on Coming Out of the Pandemic and Into Lent

First Day Out of Prison: A Modern-Day Parable on Coming Out of the Pandemic and Into Lent

“This whole year has felt like a Lenten penance in the desert, so I’m not thinking about what to give up. Instead, I enter this season replaying images of that day with Javier.” Christopher Alt, SJ, recounts the story of his friend’s first day out of prison and considers what lessons it has for us as we see promises of the end of the pandemic and move into Lent.

5 Takeaways from SEEK21

5 Takeaways from SEEK21

Every other year, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) hosts its SEEK conference that draws thousands of young Catholics together to encounter Christ and share the Gospel. As a virtual event this year, SEEK21 was actually the largest it’s ever been, with 27,000 participants from 20 countries on 6 continents. Check out our 5 key takeaways.

Rend My Heart, O’God, the Opportunity of an Open Door

Rend My Heart, O’God, the Opportunity of an Open Door

The prophet Joel extolls the people of God to rend their hearts and not their garments to be touched and broken and changed at a deeper level than what is visible, a profound, inner conversion, one of the heart. And God will find us in the most beautiful ways. All we have to do is open the door. Find out what happens when I open a door and start seeing Christ on the other side.
