Where do you find joy? Carlos Martinez-Vela reflects that God’s love is most often reflected through our everyday relationships. Based on the readings from the Seventh Sunday of Easter.
Why Christian Forgiveness Requires Every Christian to be a Priest
Christians are challenged to forgive daily, but could it also be a sacrament? In a follow-up to his previous article, Erin explores the relationship between forgiveness and the priestly identity of every baptized Christian.
Discerning Democracy: Navigating Civic Life with the Fourth Week of the Spiritual Exercises
Today’s heightened polarization has seemingly erected insurmountable walls in our political discourse. Concluding this miniseries, Ty Wahlbrink, SJ, suggests how we might find joy using insights in the Fourth Week meditations, even though we might still feel stuck mourning near Jesus’ tomb.
Saint Ignatius and the Recovery of True Masculinity
Reflecting on Saint Ignatius’s conversion, River invites us to our own rediscovery of a more authentic vision of masculinity.
Catholic 101: What is prayer? How do I pray?
Praying to God can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be that complicated.
An excerpt from The Crucible of Racism: Ignatian Spirituality and the Power of Hope
In this excerpt from Patrick Saint-Jean’s latest book, he shares his journey to the Jesuits and working for justice. He believes that Ignatian Spirituality can help us find hope through healing, reconciliation, and transformation.
A Deacon’s Diary: I tried to give up a lot for Lent. I failed.
In his eleventh installment, Deacon Steve finds that his hopes for a purgative Lent flew by in a whirl of activities. Easter arrived regardless.
Feeling hopeless? Look for the light in the darkness.
With his latest paintings, An reflects on the blackouts that disrupted his childhood in Vietnam. They taught him to depend on the light.
It’s Time to Stop Recycling
When recycling trash and donating things doesn’t work, we can ask God to help us reject our consumerist tendencies.
This Earth Day, See Earth with Resurrection Eyes
For Earth Day, Mark reminds us that our advocacy for the planet can and should be rooted in prayer.