Seeing is believing, right? Or is it?
Posts in Videos
An Easter Parable: Jesus’ Alligator Story | One-Minute Homily
Jesus is Risen! Alleluia! Today we celebrate the triumph of the resurrection over sin and death.
Talk 6: Do You Love Me? The Resurrected Christ and Our Response | Live the Questions: A Holy Week Retreat
This talk draws us into the Fourth Week of the Exercises and explores a question Jesus asks of all of us: do you love me?
Talk 5: Surely, it is not I, Lord? The Passion of Jesus | Life the Questions: A Holy Week Retreat
This talk considers Judas’s question to Jesus at the Last Supper: Surely, it is not I, Lord? Given our Holy Week experience, it moves us into the Third Week of the Exercises, and explores the suffering of Jesus on the cross as an essential part of the Paschal mystery of the Christian faith.
Talk 4: What Do You Want? The Public Ministry of Jesus | Live the Questions: A Holy Week Retreat
This talk continues our experience of the Second Week, exploring the public ministry of Jesus and the relationships he formed with the people he served. It focuses on the question, “What do you want?”
Talk 3: How Can this Be? The Early and Hidden Years of Jesus’ Life | Live the Questions: A Holy Week Retreat
In this third talk of our Holy Week retreat, we look at the early life of Jesus, including the events of the Incarnation, the Nativity, and the Hidden Life of Jesus.
Talk 2: Who Told You That? Sin and God’s Boundless Love | Live the Questions: A Holy Week Retreat
This talk explores the second question God asks humanity in the sacred scriptures: who told you that?
Talk 1: Where are you? The First Principle and Foundation | Live the Questions: A Holy Week Retreat
Talk 1 of our online Holy Week retreat asks the question “Where are you?” and explores St. Ignatius’ secret to the purpose of life.
Live the Questions: A Holy Week Retreat in the Ignatian Tradition
Join us for a week-long online retreat for Holy Week 2021.
Palm Sunday: Carrying the Cross | One-Minute Homily
What can Simon of Cyrene teach us about the Passion?