In the Third Week of the Spiritual Exercises, Ignatius brings our focus to the last moments in Jesus’ life, starting with the Last Supper and following every event through his crucifixion, death, and burial. We are invited to stay by his side and witness the great depths of God’s love for us.
Posts in Spirituality
Catholic 101: Transubstantiation
How is that Catholics believe Christ becomes really present under the form of bread and wine at Mass? Joe Seiter helps us understand transubstantiation, and how theology and faith both inform one of the Church’s great mysteries.
I was the Lost Sheep. Jesus found me and sent me to find more lost sheep
While praying about where his next mission might be, Ignatius experienced himself being found like the lost sheep. Having begun his mission, he realized Jesus found him so that he might find others.
Till: An Invitation to Personalize the Stations of the Cross
The new movie Till is based on the brutal killing of 14-year-old Emmett Till in Mississippi in 1955 and how his mother became a Civil Rights advocate in the aftermath of her son’s death. Watching it can help us reflect more profoundly on the Passion and death of our Lord.
A Lenten Meditation on Mortality and Hope
Christian faith calls us to remember our mortality, but thinking about death doesn’t have to be a source of discomfort. Meditating on death can deepen our awareness of God’s presence in our lives and our need to rely on God for our very lives.
This Lent, You Should Go to Prison
Experience the joy of prison ministry this Lent. Ian Peoples, SJ, shares his experience as a prison chaplain and reflects on the opportunity to encounter Christ. Discover how this ministry can change you and bring hope to those who need it most.
How do you respond to the killing of friends? By dancing for hope.
After a month of struggle, Sebastian finally arrived at his new Jesuit mission. The people who greeted him there responded to the murders of two Jesuits in a way that surprised him: by dancing.
Can I Love Someone Before I Know Them?
For Valentine’s Day, Uli reflects on the vulnerability of being truly known and truly loved. Can you accept that intensity and intimacy?
Tears are a sign of a Jesus-like friendship
Moving on to a new mission, Beto found himself choked up with tears. Saying goodbye to dear friends and faithful Jesuits, he learned a lesson about how Jesus works in the world.
Viktor Frankl, Oskar Schindler, and a Call to Remember
On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Ian Peoples reflects on two different experiences of the Holocaust to find meaning and hope in the midst of unspeakable darkness.