Christians are challenged to forgive daily, but could it also be a sacrament? In a follow-up to his previous article, Erin explores the relationship between forgiveness and the priestly identity of every baptized Christian.
Posts in Sacraments
For Work, More Than for Worship
Following his ordination to the priesthood, Patrick reflects on what his time cooking in Ecuador taught him about life after ordination and the Mass itself.
Catholic 101: Transubstantiation
How is that Catholics believe Christ becomes really present under the form of bread and wine at Mass? Joe Seiter helps us understand transubstantiation, and how theology and faith both inform one of the Church’s great mysteries.
A (No Longer) Deacon’s Diary: From the other side of the confessional
In his latest update, Father (!) Steve spends some of his first days as a priest offering the sacrament of Reconciliation.
The Feast of Corpus Christi: An Incarnation of Love
The bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. What does that mean for us?
Discovering the Power of Healing Touch in Prison
The pandemic deprived everyone of a vital aspect of life: the gift of touch. The incarnation shows us that God wants to heal us by touching our wounds. This is especially true for life in a prison. But when we find ways to reach out to others, we discover that Christ has the power to work through our hands to bring healing to those in need.
How to be Catholic at a religiously diverse university
What does it mean to be a Catholic at a school where so many students are non-Christian? Andrew reflects on how much can be accomplished when people of faith are willing to be vulnerable.
A Deacon’s Diary: How Do I Pray Through Doubt?
In his latest diary, Deacon Steve Molvarec, SJ is confronted with the age-old question: how do I pray through doubt? His answer surprised him, and will probably surprise you, too.
A Deacon’s Diary: “O Lord, I have never been eloquent” (Exodus 4:10)
Now ordained, am I looking for my voice, or God’s?
A Deacon’s Diary : What Did Your Ordination Feel Like?
In his second installment, Steve Molvarec, SJ grapples with ontological change over pizza and beer