Covered by snow or mistakes or imperfection, goodness just might be underneath the surface. Michael Rossmann unearths a theme from posts in the last month and notes how spending more time trying to see the good around him is just what he needs.
Posts in Spirituality
Critique and Authenticity: When the Ideal Obscures the Good
Our internal monologues are often full of critique and ideal expectations. Keith Maczkiewicz, SJ quiets the voice of critique just long enough to notice the gift of authenticity.
Religion as an Interactive Game
“Full, active, and conscious participation.” Nate Romano explores the interesting connections between interactive games and the practice of religion.
Mistakes Were Made
Ever wish there were an autocorrect tool for your life? Eric Immel, SJ reflects on errors of commitment, judgment, and the grace of mistakes.
Commercials with a Conscience? What Super Bowl Ads Say About Us
Joe Simmons considers the serious tone of many 2015 Super Bowl commercials, and what they might be saying about our own desires.
One Friend to Another: Reintroducing The Jesuit Post
Wanting to talk about sacred and secular stuff without being a religious weirdo, new TJP Editor in Chief Michael Rossmann traces the unlikely things that led him to the Jesuits and reintroduces The Jesuit Post.
How Long? Not Long: Our Need of Rest and Renewal
With millions marching around the world — for life, liberty, and justice — Brendan Busse, SJ reflects on the importance of rest and renewal in the long walk to freedom.
Tough Questions: Family Gatherings and the Deeper Better God
Keith Maczkiewicz, SJ fields lots of questions when he’s home for the holidays. Some of them are impossible to answer, but his responses are full of faith and from the heart.
How Close Will You Come to Violence in 2015?
Joe Simmons considers how to respond in 2015 to pictures of violence, war, and despair from 2014.
The Spark That Burned Everything: A Prison Epiphany
On this feast of Epiphany Eric Immel, SJ recounts a story of hope and light in dark places.