¿Qué podemos aprender de los 6 Jesuitas y 2 mujeres asesinados en El Salvador en 1989?
Posts in Spirituality
The Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador: Lessons to the Faithful
What can we learn from the 6 Jesuits and 2 women who were murdered in El Salvador in 1989?
One-Minute Homily: “Rise and Shine”
Got Coffee? What other fuel do we need to stay awake and be vigilant for Christ? Take a minute and check out this week's (extremely brief) reflection with Brother Mark Mackey, SJ based on the Sunday Readings for November 12, 2017: http://bit.ly/2z21zaP
Mary: Mother of the Church
In his TJP debut, David Kiblinger digs deeper into the title and devotion of Mary: Mother of the Church.
Writing My Way To God
He tried ignoring it. He tried his normal routine—but everything Colten Biro, SJ did only seemed to pull him into conversation with God.
Aronofsky’s mother! and the Weirdness of Catholicism
The movie will disturb your peace. Good.
10 Surprising Things in the Catechism
Rather read the legal text on your phone bill than the Catechism? Give the summary of the Church’s teaching another look.
Los Muertos Remain With Me
As we pray for All Souls in the month of November, Andrew Hanson, SJ tells of how our beloved deceased live on within us – sometimes, literally.
A Heart of Stone (My Own)
In the wake of recent tragedy, Chris Williams, SJ is haunted by his reaction.
One-Minute Homily: “Unexpected Goodness”
Does lacking imagination get in the way of recognizing God's unexpected goodness in our world? Take a minute and check out this week's 60 Second Homily with Fr. Michael Rossmann S.J., based on the Sunday readings for October 22, 2017: http://bit.ly/2wWKL0h.