Posts in Spirituality

Discovering the Power of Healing Touch in Prison

Discovering the Power of Healing Touch in Prison

The pandemic deprived everyone of a vital aspect of life: the gift of touch. The incarnation shows us that God wants to heal us by touching our wounds. This is especially true for life in a prison. But when we find ways to reach out to others, we discover that Christ has the power to work through our hands to bring healing to those in need.

Talk 3: Chosen to Bear Fruit | Lenten Retreat 2022

Our online retreat moves into the Second Week of the Spiritual Exercises, when we focus on following Christ who calls us to help build up the Kingdom of God. This call can be exciting and motivating at first, but we can become lukewarm over time. David reflects on advice from Pope Francis and the example of Mary to persevere in faith.

Talk 2: A Pruned Branch | Lenten Retreat 2022

In the second talk of our Lenten Retreat, David reflects on the First Week/Theme of the Spiritual Exercises. The goal in this part of the Exercises is to recognize that we are sinners that are loved deeply by God. David reflects on the difficult, but important process of pruning as he goes deeper into the theme of the Vine and the Branches.
