Instead of concentration of ownership in the hands of a few capitalists, Catholic Social Teaching envisions workers having common possession with capitalists over the enterprises at which they work.
Posts in Current Events
Catholic Guide to 2021
Break out your calendars! Online and in-person, here are the major Catholic events in 2021.
Pope Francis and the Inclusive Capitalists: Making Friends with Dishonest Wealth?
Pope Francis is throwing his moral weight behind the Council for Inclusive Capitalism, a group of CEOs and business leaders, but it’s not clear they agree on everything.
Learning From Our Mistakes: 3 Lessons the HIV/AIDS Pandemic Can Teach Us About COVID
On World AIDS Day, let’s remember that COVID-19 is not the first pandemic of our lifetime. We can learn valuable lessons about our response to COVID in the months to come as we reflect on nearly 40 years of the AIDS epidemic to chart a better path forward.
Anti-immigration sentiments aren’t leaving with Trump. What can we do about it?
President-elect Joe Biden has not put immigration at the top of his list of priorities. But we should. How can we build a culture of encounter to help reshape attitudes and policies around immigration? We can begin in our local parishes and schools. Here’s how.
How C.S. Lewis’s Literary Criticism Can Help Our Media Consumption
These nine rules for literary criticism provide helpful reminders for us as we engage in a reality that can so often seem unreal.
Letters to the Candidates: Concerns from a Catholic Perspective
Neither presidential candidate’s platform fully aligns with Catholic teaching. Here are two letters calling them to reconsider positions that do not reflect the love of neighbor that is central to the Catholic perspective.
Letter to President Trump: Welcoming the Stranger
President Trump’s defense of the unborn is laudable, but his views and policies on immigration fail to adequately account for the human dignity of immigrants and must be re-examined.
Letter to Vice President Biden: Protecting the Unborn
Vice President Biden’s Catholic faith has shaped his care for the poor and marginalized, but his increasingly extreme political position on the issue of abortion must be reconsidered.
When It Comes to Civil Unions, Pope Francis Meant What He Said, but That Might Not Be What You Think
In the documentary Francesco by Evgeny Afineevsky, Pope Francis endorsed civil unions for homosexual couples. His words were the source of much ado in the media recently. They are important, but not for the reasons many have pointed to.