It’s still Easter! We may need to look harder to find joy this year, but there are still signs of goodness and humor around us. Here are a few things that have given me a sense of the joy of Easter: 1. “Alexa, let us pray”. I used to be skeptical of using...
Four of us sat in a recently warmed and running car, the driveway shoveled but filling again with December snow. One of my family of five was running late, and our parish, a mere two-minute drive from our home, was preparing for Christmas Eve Mass. When we finally...
ESPN has released the first four episodes of a new documentary called “The Last Dance” about Michael Jordan and his final season with the Chicago Bulls. Here to discuss the first four episodes are Hunter D’Armond and Sean Barry, two young Jesuits in...
Haga clic aquí para español. I still remember the day I got my first Bible. One night, my mother, a Black Puerto Rican woman, gathered me and my older brother in one of the bedrooms of our home in Cañaboncito. “I have something to show you,” she said, with a serious...
Click here to read in English. Todavía recuerdo el día en que recibí mi primera Biblia. Una noche, mi madre, una puertorriqueña Negra, reunió a mi hermano mayor y a mí en uno de los cuartos de nuestra casa en Cañaboncito. “Tengo que enseñarles algo,” dijo ella, con un...
The story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus reminds us that Jesus is always willing to take time to encounter us and draw us closer to himself. Eric Immel, SJ, reflects in this week’s One-Minute Homily, based on the readings for Sunday, April 26, 2020. I’m...
Millions tuned in on Easter Sunday to see Andrea Bocelli’s concert from Milano’s Duomo. Italy’s famous singer belted out familiar tunes such as “Amazing Grace” and “Panis Angelicus” to an audience spanning the globe. Beautiful...
Happy Easter! Is it really the Easter season? With the coronavirus pandemic gripping the world, it can feel a lot like we’re still stuck in Lent. While we continue to face dangers and uncertainty, TJP also wants to offer a reminder that the signs of Easter are around...
“When young and old alike are open to the Holy Spirit, they make a wonderful combination. The old dream dreams, and the young see visions” (Christus Vivit, 192) In the midst of these beautiful spring days, I find myself dreaming. My mind wanders off to bearded irises....
God, I don’t love you how you love me. I can’t, more exactly. Can’t seem to give a love That’s unconditional. I love what you have given me- Absolutely yes. Those times where you overwhelmed my heart, Throbbing in my chest. Your grace like a warm breeze Blowing...