Today’s readings remind us that God does not create death, but works to defeat death through the Resurrection. “The glory of God is the living human being.” – St. Irenaeus of Lyon. Hi, I’m Doug Jones, and this is my One Minute Reflection. Our first...
The significance of the heart in the Judeo-Christian scriptures cannot be overstated. The word “heart” appears 858 times in the Old Testament and 156 times in the New Testament. There is no doubt that our hearts are central to the mystery of who we are. They hold many...
Well, I am getting ready to travel for the summer. My luggage is open, and shirts are strewn haphazardly across my bed as I pack. I am bouncing off my walls, going to my desk where I gather old academic notes. I see a pile of books, dog-eared and worse for wear. Then,...
Does prayer ever seem dry or just not meet expectations? Br. Sullivan McCormick, SJ, reflects on the calming of the storm at sea and how Jesus defies expectations. Based on the readings for Sunday, June 20, 2021. How do we respond when prayer doesn’t meet our...
The Jesuits (and also Franciscans) have a long and fascinating history of promoting the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It was so important, explicit mention of the devotion was added into the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus: “All should have a high...
The kingdom of God requires patience. Patrick Saint-Jean, SJ, reflects on faith the size of a mustard seed and the patience required for that kind of faith. Based on the readings for Sunday, June 13, 2021. The Kingdom of God is about patience. Hi, my name is Patrick...
Class started as it often did. “I want to pray for Kayla,” 1 12 year-old Caylen said with a mischievous smile. “Her mom took her phone away last night. She probably deserves it though because she’s really immature. I mean, I’m pretty immature, but she’s really really...
The following is an excerpt from The Spiritual Work of Racial Justice: A Month of Meditations with Ignatius of Loyola, a new book by TJP contributor Patrick Saint-Jean, SJ. As much as it pains me, I cannot escape the fact that Christianity was the cradle in which...
We are a mess, but today we remember that God entered into our mess. Today is the Feast of Corpus Christi, the Body and Blood of Christ. Fr. Eric Sundrup, SJ, reflects on what it means for God to become flesh and blood and offer us God’s very self. Based on the...
To say that the coffin was in the center of the living room would be incorrect. The coffin was the center of the living room. Squeezed between two small couches and several mourners, it gave the space a crypt-like feeling. The walls seemed too close; the ceiling too...